The foundational facts about economic life that should be the starting point for a process of learning how to create an economy that provides enough for everyone. A summary of the entire blog.
Category: Political Economy
How the principle of the oneness of the human race, an established scientific fact, provides a concrete, practical and necessary foundation for learning how to create an economy that provides enough for everyone.
An introduction to the research into systems of innovation and what it offers to an understanding of the role of government in shaping an economy that provides enough for everyone.
The link between systems theory, learning organisations, and understanding economic systems.
Using Peter Senge’s book “The Fifth Discipline” as an example of how Government and society as a whole could become “learning organisations”, learning how to create an economy that provides enough for everyone.
Society needs to learn how to create a functioning economy, and learn about the role of Government within this. The business world can teach us how to use planning as a tool for such learning.
Funding economic development is not “aid” or “charity”, it’s in everyone’s interests to create a stable functioning economy. This is rapidly becoming apparent in the economic chaos caused by the oil-price crash and coronavirus.
Learning from the Marshall Plan as a process of using wealth from a trade surplus to strengthen the international economy.
Learning from the Marshall Plan as a state-planned, state-funded approach to reindustrialise Western Europe after WWII.
The historical evidence of the role of the state in economic growth, based on Reinert’s book “How Rich Countries Got Rich… and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor”.