Last week I introduced financial assets, and pointed out that purchasing these assets is in fact a way to save. Most assets actually represent a…
Search Results for: saving part 4
Funding economic development is not “aid” or “charity”, it’s in everyone’s interests to create a stable functioning economy. This is rapidly becoming apparent in the economic chaos caused by the oil-price crash and coronavirus.
Learning from the Marshall Plan as a process of using wealth from a trade surplus to strengthen the international economy.
A forensic examination of a stylised company’s balance sheet, to show that business saving should, in fact, be the true source of investment.
An explanation of what the saving-investment identity actually tells us about how the economy functions (everything in the blog so far has been leading up to this point).
The conclusion that textbooks draw from the saving-investment identity is unequivocally and completely WRONG. This post explains why, drawing on the information in “Money” section of the blog, to make sure that you do not fall into making the same errors.
The foundational facts about economic life that should be the starting point for a process of learning how to create an economy that provides enough for everyone. A summary of the entire blog.
A review of the tentative conclusions reached at the end of the “Financial Markets” section of the blog, in light of this section’s analysis of the importance of distribution.
A more even income distribution will strengthen the economy as whole, and thereby make everyone better off. We need “demand-side” economics.
How we ensure that the benefits of increased productivity are distributed throughout society – not just distribution of income, but distribution of the capacity to produce.